Our policy is to do no harm to people and the environment.
SCAN-BILT PTE LTD is committed to adding value to our clients by delivering Product and Service excellence in the construction oil & gas industry. The Company Operates Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety Management System to the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 Standards.
The Top Management and Staff of SCAN-BILT PTE LTD is committed to :
- Consistently meeting client’s satisfaction through providing a quality product and service excellence.
- Ensuring that all our projects are always delivered on time, as specified by our clients.
- Providing training on QEHS awareness for all employees.
- Prevent/Eliminate/Minimize/Control, risk due to Occupational Health and Safety Hazards.
- Eliminate/Minimize/Control the Pollution & environmental impacts associated with our activities.
- Comply with all applicable legal and other Requirements.
- “Stop Work” or “Intervene” to ensure that the identified unsafe condition, act, error, omission, or lack of Understanding is stopped and promptly corrected before further work is done.
- Managing workers Welfare, fatigue Management and substance abuse in accordance to MOM WSH Act, other subsidiary legislations and regulations.
- Continual improvement of Quality, Environmental & Occupational Health and Safety performance through monitoring and review of set Objectives and Targets.
- Communicate this Policy to all the person working for or on behalf of SCAN-BILT PTE LTD.
- Work with the Contractors and Suppliers to embrace the SGSecure movement.
- Value the Safety and Security of our Employees, Visitors and Customers and mitigate risks,including those posed by terrorism,by preparing our employees
and protecting our workplace. - Strong Safety Performance that protects the Health,safety and security of its staff,its property and the public fromrisk of harm,including that arising from terrorism.